Word count: 1917 words

1. What is the name of the website and what is its logo? 

The website’s name is BranchStudio and its official logo will look like this:

BranchStudio Logo, designed by the BranchStudio team

2. What is your website’s slogan?

Our slogan is “When ideas become our mission”.

3. What type of website is it, eg, E-commerce or a social media website?

This is a community service website that is aiming to recycle and reduce plastic waste in Vietnam.

4. What is the point of the website, i.e., what does it do? 

BranchStudio is a mission-based organization that heads for the reduction of plastic consumption and the environment. Our passion, creativity, and innovation shall create a strong foundation for the younger generations to reflect and learn from, and a useful tool for spreading awareness about this ongoing problem.

As humanity has upgraded our world into one called the “4.0 era”, it seems like our medicines are starting to stab us in the back. Within the convenience of plastic bottles, PVC pipes, polyester masks and plastic bags, there lies a dangerous, hidden knife that many of us don’t really know nor care about. BranchStudio realizes the shrouded danger that plastic pollution creates to people, and we are determined to join the fight to push the eradication of plastic waste as well as to promote the utilization of recycling plastic the right way. BranchStudio is all about innovation, and our focus is on giving younger generations the right knowledge about plastic waste and the utilization of correct methods of recycling in order to help these generations prepare for the future. Our plans and methods are extremely different, created to appeal to all viewers within the younger generation in order to fulfill our purpose and mission. Our ultimate goal is to spread awareness about plastic waste and its danger, as well as solutions in order to urge the community to play a part in this fight.

5. Who is its target audience? How many users are you hoping for?

Our biggest potential audience that we are heading towards are families, friends, people who want to contribute to the environment, along with all-age students, households, website visitors, event guests, etc. 

As BranchStudio would be developed in the long-term, we are hoping to track at least 1000 followers on social media platforms for the first 4 months, in addition, have 1,000 views per week with 200 website subscribers. 

6. Which websites are similar? 

Nowadays, many environmental organizations are approaching their target audience through social media; therefore, there aren’t too many similar websites. But there are some alternatives such as C2ES by Eileen Claussen. <link:>

7. What is your website’s unique selling point, USP? (What makes it special?)

Branchstudio focuses on the observation of human behavior in order to solve a problem, not creating entirely new solutions, which we have plenty of but haven’t come to an entire success because of human awareness. That is our core value, and it is how we are different from others. Perhaps you are aware of a plastic waste crisis. But, whenever you use plastic products, you’ll think: “Well, it's just a tiny wrapper, no harm made with a tiny wrapper, ain’t it?”. Now, imagine five thousand people opening the same candy bar and thinking the same thing. Now imagine it is ten thousand. Or maybe more. This is exactly what is happening in our society right now. Alright, you know plastic waste is bad and the wrappers you through would likely be ended up in landfills, but as long as no diseases are made by plastic-contaminated waters, toxic soil and horrible plastic-infused air are killing you and your home, it doesn’t matter, isn’t it? Some are trapped in situations that are entirely hopeless, as microplastics dangering their bodies and diagnosing them with cancer, are caused by many, many thoughts, simple as such “It’s just a candy wrapper. No harm made”. 

(Haggerstone, 2017)

The purpose of this movement is to spread awareness throughout the community in Hanoi and hopefully beyond, for even simple thoughts could help contribute largely to a global plastic crisis. In order to fight this crisis, we need more than just knowing the information about plastic waste. We need to feel that this is actually happening, our responsibility in order to reduce plastic consumption. So many solutions are listed over countless posters and magazines, such as avoiding plastic materials or not using plastic bottles but none of it will matter if people do not feel responsible strongly enough. However, in order to tackle this problem in the mind, BranchStudio has certain solutions.

BranchStudio has encountered and has analyzed this idea very thoroughly, and has come up with ambitious solutions that can help fight this crisis. 

8. How will it make money?

BranchStudio shall make a profit in various ways, such as selling plastic waste to recycling companies, upholding fundraisers, merchandise, and community service groups. Further elaboration can be seen in the graphs below.

Graph for plastic price.

Graph for other activities

For community service projects:

The Branch Community Service Group is created so that people, especially students, can really do something physically to help the plastic pollution crisis. BranchStudio has a series of possible events and services to provide for environment lovers. Our Branch Community Service Group will be divided into two divisions. The “Logistics Division” and the “Service Division”. The Logistics Division will plan dates, schedules, contacting different intellectuals and writing out the ultimate goal and purpose of each activity. The Service Division shall complete the tasks and goals that the Logistics Division set up. Volunteers can volunteer in any division that they like, and either way they can contribute to the greatest extent possible. Each event shall take place when the number of volunteers are from 10 and above, regardless of age or experience. The service provided by the Branch Community Service Group shall be entirely out of will of wanting to help a problem. 

The Branch Fund:

We always support and motivate people relentlessly to contribute to our go-green movement by reducing plastic usage as much as possible. Nowadays, plastics have taken over the world in many ways and left countries severely faced with environmental consequences, which includes Vietnam. While there are activities to collect plastic bottles or purchase our goods, we also want to make it more convenient for those who want our “Branch” to actually develop and reach a larger scale of people by donating to our community. By donating, you are giving our group a bigger chance to not just upgrade and improve the quality of our products, events and also helping us to expand our event and supporters. It will be a big appreciation for us! 

The Branch Community Service Group:

There is one thing for certain, is that without the collective power of many, it is impossible for us to fight this plastic problem. BranchStudio has created the BranchStudio Community Service Group for individuals to go on non-profit service projects in order to reduce plastic waste in the Hanoi area. Back to the results of our survey, of the first 192 people who responded to our survey, 74.5% agreed that they will support any plastic-directed community service activity or service, and so we believe that these activities will both help the environment and the people who are looking for a community to interact with. Our group is created so that people, especially students, can really do something physically to help the plastic pollution crisis. BranchStudio has a series of possible events and services to provide for environment lovers. 

Our Branch Community Service Group will be divided into two divisions. The “Logistics Division” and the “Service Division”. The Logistics Division will plan dates, schedules, contacting different intellectuals, and writing out the ultimate goal and purpose of each activity. The Service Division shall complete the tasks and goals that the Logistics Division set up. Volunteers can volunteer in any division that they like, and either way, they can contribute to the greatest extent possible. Each event shall take place when the number of volunteers is from 10 and above, regardless of age or experience.

The service provided by the Branch Community Service Group shall be entirely out of the will of wanting to help a problem. Further activities shall be announced on our personal (launching) website and social media page for any information.

The Branch Merchandise:

BranchStudio is launching its own merchandising chain. Along with community services and funding, our Brand Studio is making our exclusive merchants, including glass bottles, straws, and tote bags that are 100% biodegradable and reusable.In addition, in the future, we also offer special purchases from a number of water bottles into our goods FOR FREE! This would be a big leap and a unique opportunity for those who want to either save the environment by collecting bottles and using things that save nature.

Branch Studios icons, designed by the BranchStudio team

The Signature Animal #stopplasticwaste design:

  • Coco: Seagulls, representing the seagulls that are contaminated by plastic waste

  • Levi: Sea Lion, representing the sea lions that are killed by plastic waste

  • Bobo: Sea Turtle, representing the sea turtles that consumed plastic waste.

Sample products:

Tote bag




9. What are your hopes for this website? Do you want it to help or educate people or do you just want to get rich?

As an entrepreneurial establishment, BranchStudio can confirm that though new, our establishment can create a significant change within the community. Our passion, creativity, and innovation shall create a strong foundation for the younger generations to reflect and learn from, a tool for spreading awareness about this ongoing problem.


Our establishment’s purpose is to opt for a better, more sustainable future, playing a part in the fight against the eradication of plastic waste and the utilization of correct recycling practices.


To spread awareness about plastic waste and urging the younger generation about correct recycling practices.


We work with and value any creativity and innovation, regardless of age or experience.

We work with honesty and integrity, creating a friendly platform for all.

We work for the betterment of our future generations.

We work with passion, dignity, and purpose.

We fight for a cleaner, more sustainable future for all.


Laura Parker. June 7,2019. National Geographic. “The world’s plastic pollution crisis explained”. [online]. Available at:

<> [Accessed 24 April 2021]

Dillon Hanson - Ahumada. December 15, 2020. NRDC. “The Dangers of Plastic Pollution”. [online]. Available at:

<,ways%2C%20and%20you%20can%20too!> [Accessed 24 April 2021]

Nsisak U. Benson, David E. Bassey, Thavamani Palanisami. “COVID pollution: impact of COVID-19 pandemic on global plastic waste footprint” Heliyon, Volume 7 [online]. February 2021. Available at:

<> [Accessed on 25 April 2021>

Kumar Raja Vanapalli, Hari Bhakta Sharma, Ved Prakash Ranjan, Biswajit Samal, Jayanta Bhattacharya, Brajesh K. Dubey, Sudha Goel. “Challenges and strategies for effective plastic waste management during and post COVID-19 pandemic” Science of The Total Environment, Volume 750 [online]. 1 January 2021. Available at:

<> [Accessed on 25 April 2021]

 HaggerStone. “Solving Plastic Pollution, One Piece at a Time.” Planet Experts, 31 Mar. 2017, Available at: [Accessed on 7 June 2021]


  1. Effort = 5/5
    English fluency = 4.5/5
    Evidence = 5/5
    Works cited = 4.5/5
    Presentation = 4.5/5

    Total = 23.5/25 = 94%

    This is a fantastic effort ladies that goes far and beyond what I asked for. You have great evidence, and even did your own survey which is amazing. My only suggestion is a little more in-text citations but overall and amazing job. Well done!


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