Meet the Candidates: President Donald Trump


This presidential election year, the sitting president Donald Trump had lots of advantages, comparing to the fact that only 5 incumbents lost their position in the reelection votes since the 20th century. However, his negligent, erratic, and misleading solution and reaction towards the coronavirus pandemic, causing outweigh damage; therefore, lead to surges of condemnations and criticism, especially from the Democrats. 

He pledged to his supporters and America to tough plans towards undocumented immigrants, accelerate the expansion of the border, "repeal and replace" Obamacare, and also widen the energy production in federal lands, especially planting trees; and, many of them didn't come out as expected.

Back to the first days of his inauguration in the Spring season of 2017, when Donald Trump signed his first executive order as a president, has he was concentrated on immigration and border-crossing rule; and, enact the 2 policies and plans. For the first proceedings, he demanded the construction of the "Trump's Wall" into effect; moreover, taking billions of dollars of diverting funds from the government department in order to pay for the barrier. It turned out unexpectedly that most of the money was lavishly burned for repairing the 650-miles fence which was from the presidency term of George W. Bush's authority. He also allowed need-to-be-deported migrants to have the right to sue and being protected in the US law, which was considered as the opposite of the commitment that he made.

the wall was built between Mexico and America's border

The second proceeding he made was tax-cutting, as he slashed down most corporate taxes brackets, which unfairly benefit the higher classes, with the argument that it would possibly motivate and stimulate the economic growth of the country; in addition, highlighted himself encouraging business to hire workers by the tax fee; despite the fact that the government revenue for national programs was in a great loss.

Mr. Trump's medication or climate change solutions weren't better. Neither the promise to change Obamacare or the "1 trillion trees planting", Donald Trump hasn't been successful. Also with the condition of the COVID-19 pandemic, America's economy seems to have tripped off the track, brought with lots of financial crisis, income inequality, student debt, tax-cutting problems, which formed a big obstacle for him.

But he still had certain political victories in his term. For instance, withdrew the United States from the Paris Climate Accord in June 2107, or replacing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). The unemployment rate though him sloped down by 3.5% or perk up the stock market at the all-time high of 50% since his first working days. He had also approved vaccination and reduced the infection cases since the first wages of COVID-19, in response to the hit of the pandemic. 
unemployment rate before COVID-19

Will he win the presidential election? 
*please pretend you don't know, this should be written before the election*


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