Does Donald Trump presidency's success or failure?

 Question: Does Donald Trump's presidency success or failure? 

Answer: Both

Word count: 1065 words, 8190 characters

The past presidential election between Donald Trump versus Joe Biden has come to an end with the inauguration of Joe Biden on the 21st January 2021. Although Donald Trump failed to bring out his base on election night to return him to the Oval Office for a second term; his presidency term could be considered as one of the most controversial, prominent throughout the history of US political history. Satisfied voters’ demands of changes out of political established norms, he quickly rose from the victory on the abrasive 2016 presidential election against Hillary Clinton to become the top-runner of Republican nominee; although he initially was underrated by political analysts. Towards the goal of “Make America great again”, Donald Trump referred to himself as fighting for “the soul of America''; moreover, targeted on nation’s needs and wants as a policy platform in order to have more support on further measures of solving visible issues, including undocumented migrants, the border wall and elimination of Obamacare and tons of others. He had pledged 100 promises total, but turned out fulfilled only 23% of them, which was 24 promises, compared to 53%(55 promises) of them were broken, or untouched and a very few of them would never be completed. (“Trump-O-Meter: Tracking Trump’s Campaign Promises | PolitiFact.” PolitiFact, unknown)

Back to the first days in office, Donald Trump attempted to streamline the tax system. He ensured to "will collapse the current seven tax brackets to three brackets.", and also announced that these would “boost the economics' '.The tax cut in reality was to benefit the rich, and only made a deficit increase to the country’s economy; still, the same tax brackets remain the same. The only thing that gained more was the offsetting loss in the government revenue because the received tax wasn’t enough to pay for government programs. 

Trump had also put long efforts into the Mexico-US wall. He announced his bid for the White House in 2015 that “One hundred percent. "They [Mexico] don't know it yet, but they're going to pay for it. And they're great people and great leaders but they're going to pay for the wall. On day one, we will begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, power, beautiful southern border wall.” (Staff, Los Angeles Times. “Transcript: Donald Trump’s Full Immigration Speech, Annotated.” Los Angeles Times, 1 Sept. 2016). Guess what? It turned out unexpectedly that most of the money was lavishly burned for repairing the 650-miles fence which was from the presidency term of George W. Bush's authority and only 47 miles out of 450 miles he built amounts of new structures that didn’t exist before. He raised citizens’ expectations of a brand new, tall, strong 1,000 miles border wall, and in his 2020 State of the Union address, when being asked for the construction process, Donald Trump falsely claimed he was building a brand new border wall, although most of it was in fact replacing the older fences. Ultimately, to pay for the wall, according to the, as Mexico refused to do that, Trump was threatening to the Mexico president to send down troops to arrest “bad hombre”- which was the drug cartels if Mexico won’t or can’t pay for it. 

Another event was his comments and solution on globally-scale problems. Especially along with his inconsiderate reaction and stirring controversy in defending with claims and “online wars” on Twitter which was “not based on any substantive evidence” and his way of using words and grammar correctly when speaking publicly, Donald Trump claimed to spread drives conspiracies and gossip to his citizens, along with his “mountains of lies” for his purpose of degrading opponent’s value to a manipulate level during debates and arguments, satisfying his personal childish disrespectfulness and acknowledgment towards urgent issues, undermining the power of democracy or for the wantings of insatiable greed and power and then cover the civilians’ eyes with fake news and partisan-judgment facts. He was once in doubt with his downplaying the Coronavirus that has taken down 200,000 American lives (Perry, Andre. “Win or Lose, Trump Was the Mirror America Needed.” Brookings, 4 Nov. 2020) due to his overlook attitude while dealing with lockdowns and skepticism towards the effectiveness of face masks; moreover, vow Americans to not have any safety sanitizing and social distancing to have “certain freedom”.(BBC News. “Coronavirus: Donald Trump Vows Not to Order Americans to Wear Masks.” BBC News, 18 July 2020). He also called these “Chinese Virus”, which clearly showed his racism and discrimination towards Asians, especially for Chinese people.
U.S. Virus Cases Climb Toward a Third Peak - The New York Times
piture from article -U.S. Virus Cases Climb Toward a Third Peak- the New york Times

Despite that he messed up or and kind of failed to lead the country, he was still called “the professor of economics”. For instance, US families’ income has soared since he took his office because he encouraged an increase in investment and wages to small businesses during the tax cut policy. Moreover, before the surges of Coronavirus, the unemployment rate has decreased lower than ever since the past 50 years. Yet the stock market, statistics by Dow Jones Industrial Average, has skyrocketed to 50% since election day, and generally, the stock prices have bounced back. Under Trump’s administration, GDP(Gross Domestic Products) has risen as much as 3%-- a very high hit, given the fact that the US economy barely reaches this rate. (L. Andrews, Edmund. “Why ‘Uncertainty Shocks’ Are Part of the Trump-Era Economy.” Stanford Graduate School of Business, 6 Sept. 2018). Nowadays, the economy plays a crucial part in national development, and Trump has successfully boosted it with many records higher than the previous years.

Trump's obsessed with the stock market, but the Dow won't determine who  wins in 2020 - MarketWatch

The question is “Does Trump's presidency success or a failure?”. The answer is both. Every person has his/her own strengths and weaknesses. Even if Donald Trump had controversial claims during his term, we must agree that he is a very good businessman and helps enhance the country’s economics a lot. But since he came to the White House, there were more failures than benefits; however, he still had solid supports from American citizens with his contributions to the US.

Grade the President: Here's what you thought of Trump's first 100 days -  Los Angeles Times


  1. This is excellent Tilly as it has good evidence and also balance. Try and put a Works Cited section next time at the bottom. Your section on tax needed some evidence but apart from that well done.

    Blog grade = 5/4/4/4/4 = 21/25 = 84%.

    Presentation = 8/10.


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