Lessons At School, From The Best To Least

I had hitherto been a Th School student for 3 years after receiving a scholarship from the time I started grade 6. So since then, this school has obviously become my second home. 

To get straight to the point, I've decided what subjects am I interested in or felt boring and disliked with. In my point of view, I liked PE more than other subjects. My fondness for this period not just I’m good at it but also because PE brings back positive reactions when I participate in some sports as my hobby including badminton, swimming, and football the fact that I'm not fond or concave in sports stars profiles or life. Furthermore, having learned about joint flexibility and motion, sports formation, an effective emergency treatment for sprained ankles or injuries could practically burn out some of my calories and somehow impose me to get rid of laziness and anxiety on days I dealt with deadlines, projects, and assignments.

In contrast, I am worse at Maths because it seems like I'm not a long-term memory person and I am easily distracted or forget tons of things that are too complex. For instance, it took me longer than usual to remember math equations and solve them than other students of my age. :(

Something simple for today. Also, it's been decided that I will announce the lucky winner tomorrow. 🎉So stay tuned to my stories friends

Picture cre: Pinterest


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